Friday, August 21, 2009


It's three o'clock in the morning. I woke with a shooting pain in my chest. There was no way I could remain in a horizontal position, no bloody way. So here I am, at the computer, waiting for this pain, which is traveling around presently, to go away. I blame the tomatoes, they were so good I ate too many. Now I'm paying the price. Burp. Excuse me.

I thought, I'm up, well gee, may as well go comment on a few blogs. I managed to visit a few and now Blogger is being difficult and won't open up anyone's blog all of a sudden, (what's up lately anywho in the blogger universe, I'm always having troubles of one sort or another?), so I decided to see if I could post. Obviously, I can. 

I've got a long drive ahead of me tomorrow, and I need my sleep. Isn't that the way it goes? A bout with gastric distress leads to insomnia and I'll be no good in the morning. I will require coffee, loads of coffee. A strong Italian Roast might do the trick. Hey, I'm yawning, that's a good sign. The chewable Rolaid that I found in the medicine chest seems to be doing it's job, the roving pang is settling down a bit. I think I'll go try and lie down again. Wish me luck.

All Rights Reserved. © 2009 by Elizabeth Bradley.


Miss Footloose said...

This shooting pain in your chest sounds scary to me! Are you sure it's not your heart telling you something?

Kim said...

I've been having the same issues with blogger. It makes me want to build my own site. Well maybe not. Hope you ended up getting a few hours anyway!

Carol Murdock said...

I am queen of digestive problems!
Extra strengh Malox is my best friend! Hope things get better for your drive!

Lori said...

What a beautiful image you have illustrated your post with. I hope you're feeling better.

Cheryl said...

Hope the drive went safely :) said...

Time to take Pepcid before bed!

Jinksy said...

Do hope sleep came easily at last! x

Gutsy Living said...

Hope the pain went away. At least you ate too many of something healthy rather than ice cream.

The Victorian Parlor said...

Isn't that always the way? When you know you have to get up or take a trip the next morning-this is when sleep evades us! I do hope that you are feeling better, get some sleep, and have an enjoyable trip:).



Lauri said...

I hope you finally got to sleep. I am the worst monster without sleep so I can empathise. And I hate when you can't sleep and you need to, then you go into that vicious cycle of panic about the next day which of course keeps you awake. BLAH.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hope the day went better after that yucky night.

Irish Gumbo said...

Elizabeth, I do hope you are feeling better! Too well acquainted with le problem digestif myself...

Thank you for stoppng by IG and your sympathies upon the passing of my Big Bro. From my heart, thank you.

Irish Gumbo

Marguerite said...

Shooting pains in the chest? Doesn't sound too good. Hope you're feeling better, Elizabeth. Cheers!
Nice photo!

Rosaria Williams said...

Isn't it frustrating to be awaken by indigestion? Take care.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

It was just acid reflux, not my heart. I'm A-okay. It was a long drive and I was tired, but I made it through.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Yikes, the first couple sentences had me a little freaked out but if it was food related that is a relief. Hope the drive went ok. Its Murphy's Law that the nights you need the most sleep you will inevitably be awake.