Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Book

Ha! An author thinks the darn thing's done, but it ain't done!

I'm busy going over the proof of my book, Boomer Tales, Please Stand By. Yes, I edited my brains out previously. Impartial editors went at it, but still...there's something about seeing the words lined up on the page in book form. Mistakes and typos rear their ugly little heads. You realize how to make things better, much tighter, more succinct. I was up last night working. There's my favorite teapot, full of Sleepytime, (in hopes that once I go to bed I'll fall asleep and not lie there with words running through my wired mind.) I shot the pic with my trusty cell phone.

Okay, back to work.

All Rights Reserved. © 2009 by Elizabeth Bradley.


Kora Bruce [Dixie Lust] said...

Ohhh how exciting - exhausting as well! I always feel the need to edit once I see something in print - and thats just blogging. Best of luck to you!

Elspeth Futcher said...

Love the teapot and Sleepytime tea! I was an editor for a coffee table book many years ago. I could never look at it once it was in print for fear of seeing a typo I missed.

Try reading it backwards. Typos jump out like rabbits. Best of luck and get some sleep!


CSD Faux Finishing said...

Ah yes, nothing so satisfying as seeing your own words turning into something amazing! I hope you are able to get some sleep but get everything done you hope to accomplish with the "red pen" ;-)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Isn't it funny how they pop out at you when it's in print?

Mystery Writing is Murder

Marguerite said...

So exciting! Just seeing a picture of your book made me excited! Keep at it and give it the old Virgo touch and it will surely turn out perfect. And yes, I am a Virgo, can't you tell?

Miss Footloose said...

Exhausting but exciting work!

After going over it ad nauseum yourself, after the line-edit, after the proofs, after more corrections, after finally the book is published and you proudly flick through the pages of the Real Deal published book, what do you see?

One typo that escaped everybody's eye anyway!!

Hang in there!

Miss Footloose, who has been there.
Tales of the Globetrotting Life

Kim said...

I was wondering when you were going to talk about the book. I'm so thrilled for you. I can't wait to order and read it.

Jody Hedlund said...

Is this something you self-published? I'm curious how you can go back and make changes if the book is already in print? Or are you making the changes for when it's released for the electronic market?

Unknown said...

Gosh, yes, I edit and edit and edit. Then, when it's in book form, the errors leap off the page. Aaargh.

I try and read mine backwards too. Always good for finding the typos.

jdsanc said...

Elspeth is so right. I used to be a court reporter and had all sorts of tricks for making sure my depositions were clean. The reading backwards, great idea. Otherwise the words in our head roll ahead of the page.
You are brave reading on, but set it aside, girl. You deserve a break and a good night sleep!

Woman in a Window said...

OHHH, how absolutely exciting is it to see it bound like that? I can't imagine editing at that point. I'd simply stip nekid and lay with it!
(thank you for your encouragement at my place, Elizabeth.)

Lori said...

Oh, is Sleepytime a tea? I have to get that. Good luck with the proofreading.

Angie Ledbetter said...

The finish line's in sight! Yay! DO tell us more about the book when your eyes recover. :D

Lauri said...

Are you going for a reprint? I hate reading my published writing I always find ways it needs to be re-written.

Anne Spollen said...

Isn't it amazing to see your book like that? I know you may still want to make it perfect, but it's so wonderful to actually have it there in front of you like that.

Cheffie-Mom said...

How exciting for you! I've been working on my cookbook, so I can definitely relate!

joe doaks-Author said...

Oh, man, how correct is this?? It is NEVER done. Never. Not sure how you call an end to this dog-chasing-its-tail thing, but, it does seem to have a life of it's own. When you discover the secret, just let me know. I’ll pay whatever fee you like to learn the answer.

Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog

Cheryl said...

How amazing, what an exciting experience to be going through! Just think how much this proof will be worth one day, - "original proof, with author's own notations." A work, I know, never feels done. There's always something you could have spent more time on, done differently, and all that. But you have a lot to feel proud of. Your writing is wonderful.
I can't wait to get my own copy!

Rosaria Williams said...

The polishing steps are always the toughest. Looking forward to the finished product.

Nancy said...

Can't wait until it hits the bestseller lists!