Saturday, January 2, 2010

Molding My Life

Anais Nin ~~ I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.

Amen, sister!

For New Year’s we sipped champagne, scarfed a little chocolate, and played Scrabble Slam.

Today, the laundry waits. The Christmas ornaments beg to be wrapped up and tucked away for another year. Oh, and I better clean out the fridge.

All Rights Reserved. © 2009 by Elizabeth Bradley.


Sylvia K said...

Amen is right! Always love her quotes! Sounds as though your year got off to a good start! Wishing you lots of love and laughter, good health and prosperity for the new year! Enjoy!


The Victorian Parlor said...

I am with you! I don't make resolutions anymore because I tend to throw them out a couple months into the year thus making me feel defeated early on. The chocolate looks yummy and the champagne sounds wonderful-a great way to start the year:)!



ellen abbott said...

My unspoken resolution is to be a better housekeeper. I'd like for the new house to not get away from me. But beyond that, you are right. I have enough to do on a daily basis.

Jemi Fraser said...

Great quote! Laundry always seems to be waiting around the corner, doesn't it? :)

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh, enjoy the spirit of the season as long as you can. Life will get hectic soon enough.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh, geez, would have to remind me about THAT refridge!! Sigh...I must get to it...manana ;-) Love the quote!!!! I'll be right there with you!!!! And you know what? I don't know if I've told you lately, but you are one of the most amazing gifts of blogging in 2009!!!!! I'm so grateful for your friendship!!! On so many levels, I feel I have a true sister in you!! Looking forward to spending more time with you in 2010...and can't wait for your book to hit the shelves!!!! Love you so much!!! Janine XOXO

Stacy Post said...

Sounds like a lovely way to begin the year. My only resolution is to try to find fun again. I spent the last year in recovery mode and now want to have a little more fun, even if it's just discovering it in small doses. Cheers to a fun 2010! Thanks for dropping by the blog!

Helen Ginger said...

I know the feeling, Elizabeth. Today we took down the tree and all the decorations. Then I had the guys move all furniture out of the livingroom so I could vacuum, mop and wax the floors. Tomorrow, the dining room and kitchen.

Straight From Hel

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Scrabble Slam! We've played that this whole season. =]

I'm with you on the resolutions too. =]

Fireblossom said...

What is Scarabble slam? I think I need to find this out!

Cute post, I enjoyed it. ;-)

Jeanie said...

A little "back to normal" sounds pretty good to me right now. I agree with the "amen" to your quote.

Jan Morrison said...

Yah, I'm a sucker for life molding as much as I adore Anais Nin. I like having a structure to rail against! And if I make the rules I can break them. Got the tree down, took down the dolly shrine - now I have to wrestle my office back into shape but first - SHOVEL A TONNE of SNOW! Argggghhh!

Lauri said...

I'm quite strict with goals and work so when I play it can be guilt free... and I like to play. But housework- that's another story.

Your new year sounds lovely.

Elspeth Futcher said...

I thought we were supposed to have robot-helpers doing our housework by now. I watched the Jetsons. And where's my flying car and my jet pack? Just wondering if you knew...

It sounds as if you had a lovely New Years. We watched movies and crashed rather early. This meant I could hear about others' hangovers the next day and feel rather smug. However, champagne is wonderful at any time. Loooove it!


Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

No resolutions on my calendar!! Too disappointing if not met and the stress of trying to meet them is too frustrating!

One day at a time...!

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

Take heart in knowing you are not alone for I'll put away the tree on the 6th and I haven't made a resolutions 2010.
Warm regards,

Cheryl said...

Me neither, except the general life resolution to stop over thinking and hesitating so much.

Happy New Year!

Marguerite said...

You are so right and I love that quote, too! Glad you had a fun New Year's Eve. My Christmas stuff is still everywhere, too. Maybe next week! Wishing you all the best in 2010, cher! Cheers!

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Yeah great qiote! Your plan sounds like me 3 days ago lol!

Crystal Posey said...

I should have cleaned out mine!