My daughter is a fashion designer. She graduated from FIDM and now works for a stylist in L.A., learning the ropes and working on TV commercials (Nike, Pizza, Crackers, Laundry Detergent, you get the picture) and rock videos (most recently Zooey Deschanel's band!) Please follow this link and vote for her entry in the Lifetime Project Runway red dress contest. The dress she designed is gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother.
Click Here ~~ Alexis Please!!! When you get here up in the left hand corner is a box with X1, click until it is X 64, the pen will draw the dress quickly. Thanks all!
See Alexis in photo above, with a rap star Christmas Tree, Zooey Deschanel, a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes I set on the pool table and snapped a pic of, (she was dressing the winner of Britain's version of American Idol and brought them home the night before the photo shoot, sorry, I downloaded the pic and it was sideways and I'm too daft to fix it.) And Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, (I adore Tim!)
By the way, thank you Kathryn in Ohio, my Internet pal, for bringing the contest to my attention! Love you, Kathryn!
Congratulations. Nothing can be as rewarding the success of our kids (I have 4 of my own, 2 step and 4 grandchildren who are the light of my life). Your daughter is beautiful. Kudos!!!
Oh, and yes I voted!
Linda--Thanks for voting :-) You don't have a blog? E-mail? I click on your profile and nothing's there.
Hi Elizabeth - I went there but it won't show the dress - I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but it's like the Emperor's New Clothes there - a model in underwear who stands and looks at me. What can I do?
How exciting for her and you! She'll win too. I'm on my way to cast my vote.
What a proud mama you must be. Does a mother's heart good doesn't it? I voted for you beautiful designer.
Ya'll have a terrifically blessed day!!!
Hi Elizabeth - I'm having the same problem as Jan - there isn't a dress on the model....?
You must be so proud of her. One of my favorite programs is Project Runway.
Off to vote! Hope she wins!
Those are killer shoes. Lordy!
Congrats to your daughter and to you. Clearly, you are very proud of her.
Straight From Hel
Got my vote in after a few failed attempts to log in after signing up. The sketches are really nice! Tell Alexis good luck!
Got my vote it - tell Alexis good luck.
Those shoes!!! Gimme!
Will do!
Wow--she is so talented!
Awesome news about your daughter. I have to register first before I can vote so I will do that after my comment here. Good luck to Alexis.
Lizzy, I'd break my neck in those shoes, but they definitely look like fun.
I linked over...what a lovely dress! I love the subtle color change. Best of luck and keep us posted!
Absolutely love the shoes!!!
Your daughter is a fabulous designer! Is she taking on clients???
Awesome stuff. What an amazing job!
when I first got this...I thought it was spam but I clicked from your blog and wow...the dress is great. Trying to figure out how to vote.
I went there but it won't show the dress
Work From Home
How wonderful! I will go and vote once I get home this afternoon:)!
Oh, wow. That is so cool!!
I voted for all three of her dresses (hope that was allowed). She really has a dream job, and beautiful work!
Thanks guys! I love the dress she designed and it would be terrific if she won.
I let you down on this, Elizabeth. I went to vote, found the red dress, tried to vote, but it required me to log in. Couldn't find where to do that, then when I found something that looked like it, there where hoops to jump through to join...not like leaving a blog comment. So, I didn't get it done. I apologize. It is a pretty design, though.
Best Wishes, Galen
She's gorgeous, proud momma. Going cast my vote now.
Beautiful! Will do!
I love Project Runaway! Voted for the beautiful dress your daughter made. I hope she wins this.
Thank you all, whether you voted or not, for you support. I love ya!
That's a beautiful dress. It would be so perfect for a flamenco dancer with all those ruffles.
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