...she just don't feel good. (An old saying of my dad's, but of course he said "feller".) We all know that a picture's worth a thousand words, so I put up a picture of what got me, C. Difficile, nasty, nasty business.
Did you know that doctors can make you sicker than you were when you first went in to see them? Well, they can. It happened to me. At first everybody thought I was screaming in pain because of a tooth. Dentist visits ensued. Nope, not the problem. It was a massive sinus infection. Weeks later, the painful sinus infection was finally knocked back, but the third antibiotic turned out to be trouble. It killed all my good bacteria, so a nasty super bug could take hold. Lucky me.
I won't go into details. Suffice it to say, I'm intimately involved with all three toilets in my house. We might buy stock in Charmin, Tucks, and Clorox, (going thru toilet paper and bleach wipes like crazy).
Bonnie, on the other hand, thinks she's a puppy again. She's running around with a missing toe and paw pad, as if she doesn't miss them at all. Today is her oncologist appointment, they need to determine if she has to go on chemo or not. The surgery was a huge success, they got all the tumor out! Yay!
So, here I am, trying to act like a dog. Dog's have terrific attitudes. They don't let nasty melanoma's get the best of them, no way Jose. It's hard to keep a good dog down. Bonnie is a very, very good dog, everyone that meets her falls madly in love (a true story). I want to be like her when I grow up, (after all she is in her 70's and she's now running around much like the day I picked her up from the breeder when she was only 8 weeks old.
Don't worry, dear friends, I'll be back on my feet, (and off the throne), in no time, blogging and visiting you all. Thanks for your concern and kind thoughts, it means alot. Hopefully I will not be one of the casualties that end up losing their colon from this ugly bug that resembles Good N'Plenty Candies, (at least in the illustrations.) I bet they have a face. Shudder. Ick. Yuck.
Bonnie's gorgeous. Plase don't let her have to have chemo!
Glad to see you've both made it through to appearing on your blogsite again!
Beautiful Bonnie. Oh no - I didn't know Bonnie is ill. She is a beauiful baby and she looks spoiled like my Buddy. Hope you both are back at it soon. I know how bad those belly aches are.
Bless you for caring for these dear ones.
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Last year,I suffered with bursitis, something that took all my patience. We must let our bodies heal properly, whatever time it takes. Sorry to hear about your condition; hope it won't be long before you jump back on the saddle.
Sooo sorry for Bonnie.
first that pup makes my heart melt. And I work in a hospital so know about C-diff and how devestating and debilitating it can be. You won't loose your colon...just get stronger...and praying you are completely healed of this as quickly as possible.
So sorry to hear that you have C-diff! Try drinking aloe vera juice and adding more organic and alkaline foods to your daily diet. This is what a friend of mine did, when she had it, two years ago, and it worked, when all else failed. Take care, cher! Hugs!
So glad that Bonnie is doing better!
Wow - I hope you're feeling better soon! That's a really horrific thing to go through.
Bonnie is gorgeous!! :)
I am so glad that you are feeling better but so sorry that you were so sick. I'm also glad to hear that Bonnie is feeling better too:).
Blessings for good health,
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, I'm so very, very sorry...I do hope you are feeling better very soon...and that Bonnie will not need chemo!! Love you!! You're in my thoughts! ~Janine XO
Oh, I'm sorry for the sickness. =[ That's awful (but you told it in such a light-hearted, funny way!)
Glad that Bonnie is feeling back to her puppy days and not feeling the lack. Praying for her check-up that she's well!
Jake the Cairn sends his woofs and kisses to Bonnie. I and I send mine to you Elizabeth, get well asap. :)
I did an article about super bugs and know they can be terrible. I'm so sorry. Because of our HIV/AIDS problem in Botswana we have all sorts of immune boosters, I wonder if they would help at all?
Your dog is so sweet. Glad she's doing well, let's hope her Mum follows suit soon.
I am so glad to hear the good news about your very cute little doggy, but distressed to hear about your nasty bug. Please get well soon!
Dogs are an inspiration to us all, aren't they? Bonnie is absolutely gorgeous!
So sorry to hear about the C-diff. Take real good care of yourself and I hope you're feeling better soon.
Good to see your here!
It sounds like you have had a really tough time...keep healing and take care of yourself. You are right about what we can learn from the attitude of a dog.
Oh, Elizabeth, thinking of you and Bonnie. i certainly hope you kick this germ's nasty business, and Bonnie is over all problems with her little paw.
ps. I talked to my friend and she said to also try drinking peppermint tea! Very healing for intestinal illness! Hope you are feeling better!
Lord have mercy you've had it rough! (or is that ruff)
Hope you and Bonnie are on the road to good health soon.
Have you tried acidophilus by any chance? I give it to my boys right after a run of antibiotics, helps to get the "good" bacteria up and running faster.
Never even heard of that nasty bug before but this is like the poster for why I never go to the doctor, yikes! Glad you're turning the corner for the better though and it is great to hear that Bonnie is back up and running around as well. You'l join her soon!
Oh, my heart goes out to you. We just got our puppy 2 weeks ago (a bull terrier). She is already such a family member, we can't imagine life without her.
Here's to a speedy recovery!
Kiddo, that's what I have been battling since last fall. Whew. It's rough.
Yay for Bonnie.
Yike! I hope this finds you guys on the mend! I've been MIA for a while and have missed reading your blog--sorry to hear about the trouble!
Elizabeth! Noooo! How awful that you are having to go through all this.
I'm so very sorry for you honey. You have my sympathies - first for the terrible sinus infection and now the GI torture. Please get well soon! I'm putting a hex on C. Difficile immediately!
I miss you.
Oh boy, you've been having a time of it. It can only get better.
Bonnie is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad she's on the mend.
Hope we can say the same about you very soon. : )
I'm so sorry to hear that you've not been well and that your sweet Bonnie has been through some trouble as well. I hope you're both back on your feet/paws and that you're feeling tip-top in no time.
Get well, Elizabeth! And safe and fast recovery Bonnie! She's totally cute.
Straight From Hel
Bonnie is a little doll! You tummy, that's the reason I always take the acidophiles when takin' antibiotics.
Take care and God bless ya!!!
Yes, may we be as wise as the creatures.
And may you be well!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I want to be a dog, too. A playful little puppy.
I hope you're feeling better!!! And I'm so glad your dog's tumor was removed! Sheuw! I hope that's the end of that business for her.
I know I did this once but I guess the blog dog ate it!
Hope you are recovering from your c-diff - it is a terrible terrible thing. eat lots of real yoghurt (bet you're sick of people telling you that). and I hope dear Bonnie is better too. We miss you lots!
Hey girl, I was just checkin' back in to see if you were feelin' better.
Take care and God bless!!!
Just wanted you to know that you and Bonnie have been in my thoughts especially today! Love you! Janine XO
UGH. It' been many years since I've been on such intimate terms with the thrones. But those memories never go away. I hope you're feeling better by now.
And I'm so glad that Bonnie's bouncing back with that canine verve.
Sorry to hear about your condition; hope it won't be long before you jump back on the saddle.
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