There are days when I could swear I hear strings playing in the background as if some heavenly orchestra in the sky is keeping time with my life. I bask in the harmoniousness of it all.
But then, there are those days where there is no music. Dead silence. Wait, that’s just not true, there are the voices, the nagging voices. These voices have been around for a very long time. Almost from the beginning. I remember hearing their dire warnings and harsh reprimands as a very small child. And, just when I think the harassing choir is at last dead and buried, they are somehow mysteriously resurrected. I won’t bore you with specifics, but in a nutshell, they say, “Who do you think you are?”
It’s important to go back at them with all I’ve got, I’ve discovered. It’s hopeless to pussyfoot around with these incidious influences, negotiation always proves futile. Direct confrontation is the only way to drive them away. “I am ME!” I shout, (usually telepathically because I don’t want to scare the real people, or the dogs), “Keep your negativity to yourself. Buzz off. I am worthy. I am on the right track. I am over a half a century old now, in case you haven’t noticed. I’ve earned the right to strangle you all dead. Go away, for once and for all. Don’t you know? You’re useless to me now? I’ve decided to be wise. Wise people don’t listen to the likes of you. Goodbye cruel voices. If you ever want to interact with me again you’d better turn into music.”
(Photo above: Tres Grandchildren playing the piano, for Grizzy.)
So, just after I wrote this earlier, I read my horoscope. A bit of serendipity, perhaps?
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February 4, 2010
Daily Virgo horoscope:
Things should be going extremely well for you in general today, dear Virgo, so don't miss this opportunity to pursue your dreams in every sense of the word. Do things with passion, and don't hold back. Remember that your own mind and will are the only things stopping you from getting to where you want to be. There is a great deal of magnetic power at your disposal today, so enlist others to help you along the way.
All Rights Reserved. © 2009 by Elizabeth Bradley.
I'm with you on this one. I have had Sound of Music moments on some days, and Carmina Burana days entirely. (Right now Barbie is singing to my daughter on TV--ha!)
What precious grandchildren you have.
Oh--and you're definitely on the right track! Count your successes, count your blessings...how many hands do you need?
It must be writer cheerleader day! Yours is the second post in a row that I've read that spoke directly to me! Got to go now and strangle some of those voices that say, "I'm never going to be...!"
Love the grandkids pic! How much fun!
I recognize and applaud your very real life-magic!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
Yes, we must silence the voices of Doubt and Discouragement. Who do they think they are? They're not invited!
That was quite serendipitous! I'm glad you're ignoring the voices. I'm glad you're chasing the dream. I think I'll join you.
Those voices get quieter when you yell back and straighten your back. You go, girl!
Straight From Hel
I have learned to keep those doubting voices in a locked up room.
good for you. it is time to hear only good or silence.
much love
No wonder I had such a wonderful day today!!! It was wonderful. And I'm a Virgo. Voila! I pursued! I moved! I accomplished! And the nagging voices were silent.
Let the voices of thse beautiful piano playing children fill your head. That will keep the nagging voices of doubt away.
Ah very good. I've been doing a bit of yelling back of my own lately. Serendipitous indeed. :)
three playing piano...bet that was entertaining ;-)
No matter what it sounded like - I'll bet the music from the kids was beautiful :)
I'm still working on my voices - but I'm getting stronger!
Oh, the voices of Doubt. Yes, yell at them. Send them packing!
I just love that photo.
When I hear those voices, I just say "oh hi, mom."
Boy, I can relate to this!!! I seem to constantly struggle with the negative voices in my head and you're right-they are the only things holding me back.
BTW, the picture of your grandchildren is precious:).
I'm great at tuning out voices while acting like I'm listening. At least that's what my wife says.
Stephen Tremp
Isn't it starnger how long we allow negative voices a place in life?
Good job, Elizabeth. On Friday my voices were shouting at the top of their lungs first thing in the morning with a stinging (no- wounding) email from an editor, forcing me to pull out of a project knowing no matter what I'd do we'd never meet at the same point. I felt a bit diva-ish and then a bit of a poser and then the Doubters filled the room. I gave them their day- but by Saturday I was back in business.
My very successful writing frined (35 books published) says the voices are always there and we need them to keep us on that edge.
I can also relate to this post. I do think that growing older helps and realizing that everyone, including famous people have FEAR and pretend not to. We are after all, human.
Adorable pic of the grandkids! Thanks for the encouraging post! Being a Virgo, I needed to hear that!
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