Sometimes Tuesday feels like Monday. This is one of those Tuesdays. Today, an ordinary cup of coffee feels like a reward. I got so much work done yesterday but I didn’t tend to certain paperwork. So that neglected paperwork is waiting. A menacing stack. To be honest, two menacing stacks. So this is a short post. A very short post.
It’s not just the paperwork. My dogs are acting crazy lately. They tear up the grass, they bark like maniacs. A big loud dog just moved in behind us. We share about twenty feet of fence line with the top of the hill of a neighboring yard and it was bad enough when the little Jack Russell terrier used to traverse the hill and bark at my dogs, but now we have the big dog too, and it’s practically deafening when they all launch into a mass tirade. I’m thinking of buying shock collars, nothing else works!
I bought this ultrasonic gadget that goes off when any dog within a certain distance barks, but this neighborhood has so many dogs that goes off all the time and it doesn’t end up teaching my dogs a thing. Oliver cowers pathetically when the device is on, and he won’t go outside at all, the sound hurts his sensitive ears so bad. And Duncan, my oldest cairn terrier, is deaf and he can’t hear it so he barks anyway which hurts Oliver and Bonnie and Lita’s ears. (Oliver and Lita belong to my two daughters but I am raising them for the time being.) I never thought I’d have four dogs. Lita is a three pound Chihuahua, she cannot wear a shock collar, but Lordy does she have a diabolical bark, it sounds like a demon screaming straight outa hell!
There are safe shock collars. I looked it up. Eighty-three bucks buys you a collar that only goes off if the wearer is barking, it detects not only sound but vibration too. I don’t know. The jury’s out. I worry about putting a shock collar on Duncan, he’s so senile it just might piss him off and he’ll keep barking just to spite the collar. (I guess it turns off after so many shocks, they’ve factored in stubborn animals.)
We’ll see, in the meantime I am chasing them away from the fence with a broom.
I need another cup of Joe.
All Rights Reserved. © 2009 by Elizabeth Bradley.
Today felt like Monday for me too. It's cold outside, my work is piled up, my husband expects me to be the perfect wife... I agree with your last statement.
I need another cup of joe!
That is frustrating.
We considered a collar like that for my first poodle, Cinnamon, but decided it wasn't a good idea for her. She was so tiny and we didn't want to hurt her... felt that bigger dogs would be better able to handle something like that.
Four dogs? You are a good mom.
"like a demon screaming straight outa hell!"
ROFL! Seriously!
You just described my nieces's shrill cry. She's 1.
That's so hard. You want to teach the dogs, not drive them batty. Hopefully it settles down soon.
Eventually the new dog will get accustomed to the other dogs and the noise should abate somewhat. But until then, it can be so annoying. When we first moved into the city house lo those many years ago, our back neighbor had a dog that just went nuts every time we went in the backyard. I didn't think he would ever get used to us.
Our dog died back in the summer and every since then we've thought we would hear her...outside, once even in my bedroom where she sometimes stayed when she was young.
However, today we both heard something at the same time and we froze and looked at each other.
We discovered a dog visiting our porch and just happily lowly howling and having a private conversation. We were so glad it was something real!
Wow, I like Mushy's comment!
I marvel at having four dogs...it sounds fun and exhausting. We got our Dodger from the pound a few months ago and we're lucky (so far) that he is not much of a barker, though he does share an occassional conversation with the dog across the open space behind us.
Enjoy the cup of coffee! Dogs, ah yes. We have a chihuahua. I am not sure she counts as a dog. She isn't sure either :)
I feel for you. Our dog, when she went deaf, quit barking. It was like she couldn't hear it, so she didn't do it.
Straight From Hel
I have a Jack Russel so I know what you mean. Barking is such a problem, but too I see their side- isn't it they're trying to let us know something is up? They're doing their job.
My dog didn't bark at all for the first couple of years - now he does when he goes out at night. I have been successful at getting him to stop when I make an effort to tell him before he goes out "No Barking" and bringing him in as soon as he does and making him go to his place. It is a pain in the patooty but it will work eventually. I used to have an invisible fence (guess I still have it - just don't use it) - Hoagy decided he didn't care if he got shocked if he got free. Then I had a trainer use a shock collar and Hoagy ran while he zapped him and it was a nightmare - now I put him on his line for pees only - and walk him a good one every day. He is nine this year but would still bolt if he got a chance. Four dogs is a lot! So many little personalities to attend to. You have all my love on this one as it is quite a strain. When Hoagy escapes I don't sleep. He is good in every other way though so I try to forgive him for being a freedom fighter.
Pour yourself another cup. Sometimes I have weeks that feel like Mondays. Hope it gets better for you quick!
Ya'll paint such a colorful picture of your doggies barks. You poor girl, I hope it all gets better.
God bless ya'll and have a fabulous day free of screamin' demons straight out of hell!!!
I hear you! I shouldn't be blogging right now, but doing my pile of paperwork :)!
I am sorry to hear this. It must be completely frustrating dealing with your own doggies and then the neighborhood doggies as well. I wish I had some sage advice for dealing with canine behavior but we are owned by a fat basset and he just does what he pleases but he doesn't bark so you could always try your luck with a basset hound. I hope things get back to normal soon. Take care.
Dog barking is one of those sounds you can sort of expect in life, but also one that really can drive you to the edge...
Tuesday was horribly long and Monday-like. At least the week's almost over now. I left you an award on my blog. Congrats!
ouch!!! I have an image of the four going nuts. I would need more than a cup of joe.
Oh golly, Elizabeth. You sure have your hands full. I agree with you about the shock collar debate. In theory they seem logical... after a short learning curve, dogs teach themselves not to bark or wander past a certain perimeter. But how do you know how all that really affects them mentally and emotionally? Especially older dogs or ones with issues.
The good news is, once they get really old like Augie {who will be 16 on April 4th}, barking takes too much energy and they quiet down.
I've been a lazy blogger lately. Need to get back on track. I've missed you!
Ahhh yes, the serenade of barking dogs! Hang in there! It can be daunting!
They work very well. We use one for our lab, that barks constantly when we leave (or so our neighbors tell us.) So it gives a warning beep before it gives a mild shock if she keeps barking. That usually only happens once. We had an invisible fence in our last two houses so she was used to the concept. I'm not sure about tiny dogs. Ours have always been big.
Barking can be so annoying and hard to stop! Good luck.
A loud and obnoxious barking dog, like the ones who seem to be terrorizing your dogs, is right up there with the worst sounds in the world to me. The broom is a good idea, a humane solution albeit annoying for you to have to do all the time. Hope you get everything done soon!
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